PASTORS ARE IN TROUBLE: the difficulties of the function of Pastor

Why most ministries are failing God and continually suffer the Residual insufficiency of leaders and are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of God’s provision every year.


Jesus: Matthew 28: 19-20 “Go ye therefore and teach (make disciples of) all nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” KJV



GREAT — large, numerous, long continued

OMISSION — omit, leave out, abstain from (see neglect): to disregard, slight, to be remiss in attending to, fail to care for


The average church in the United States retains 17% of those people

God sends them.*

The average pastor has no idea where he stands? % and what to do about it.

*The average of Dr. Dean R. Radtke's findings when auditing and initiating consultation with a new client.

Research published by Care Ministries International indicates only a 10% national retention average.


What Legacy will you leave?


The average church fails to meet the needs, disciple and therefore fails to retain 83-90% of the people that God sends to their doors for ministry.

God’s provision for leaders & finances to accomplish His Great Commission are lost in the 83–90% of people not retained. He sent them. He provided. He funds His mandates. We lost them — many for years before they attend somewhere again. Some never do.

Most pastors do not know how poor their retention/assimilation rate is & how pathetic their response to the Great Commission. Calculated by dividing the first time visitors (local) by those completing discipleship training and attending services more often than not.

[FTV ÷ attending disciples]

Some studies maintain that the national average for annual visitor volume is the same as their weekly attendance. For example, if a church’s average attendance is 300, they will average 300 visitors per year.

[300 _ 300 FTV]

Most pastors are unaware of the severity of the problem and have no strategic plan to address this tragic failure and turn it into an opportunity.

Most pastors are crippled from a shortfall of leaders & finances, bemoaning the insufficiency of quality leaders and always being behind the curve with monies to accomplish what God has mandated.

There is no victory in these failing retention numbers (10-17%) — yet many pastors are busy, working long hours, working virtually alone, overwhelmed, frustrated, & loosing confidence and falling out of intimacy with God & family.

[1600 pastors leave the ministry every month.]

[15% contemplate quitting every Monday, more & more become backslidden in the pulpit!]

Your church is a spiritual hospital. There is a crisis in your emergency room.

83-90% of the people who come to you hurting & searching for help — go home without their needs met.