Doctrinal Statement 


       As trusted, loyal, and devoted followers of Jesus Christ we believe: 


                                                           Doctrinal Statement of Belief


       In one God, creater and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existing in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

       The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired, inerrant, and trustworthy Word of God, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of human beings, and the final authority for all matters about which it speaks. 

       That human nature derives from two people that God created, male and female, created in God's image. They were created perfect, but they sinned, plunging themselves and all human beings into sin, guilt, suffering and death. 

       That the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and His bodily resurrection provide the only ground for justification, forgiveness and salvation for all who believe, and only those who trust in Him alone are born of the Holy Spirit, are true members of the Church, and will spend eternity with Christ. 

       That the Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration and renewal for believers in Jesus Christ, that He makes the presence of Jesus Christ real in believers, and that He comforts, guides, convicts and enables believers to live in ways that honor Him.

       That ministry to persons acknowledges the complexity of humans as physical, psychological, social and spiritual beings. The ultimate goal of Bible Knowledge Church in Christ is to help others move to personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability and spiritual maturity. 

       That the only way to the one and only truth is to completely surrender to the will of God, to accept and follow the teachings of Christ, to pray without ceasing and to be filled and saturated with the Holy Spirit. To read and study God's Holy Word intensely, to live a life of praise and worship and gratefulness, and to live a life of complete and total obedience to the commandments of God.  


Minister George Condry 

(Jeremiah 3:15) 

October 7, 2009