Vision of Bible Knowledge Church in Christ 


       The purpose of this Ministry is to revive and restore the "Home Church" pattern established during the Birth of the Church into our homes, the community, cities, states, and ultimately the world. The Ultimate Goal is for this Ministry to function as a "Five-fold" Ministry as Jesus structured in (Ephesians 4:11-12), "for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ." The Lord has commissioned this Ministry, Bible Knowledge Church in Christ, to build upon the foundation laid by Jesus while as Apostolic builders this Ministry will restore the family type relationship of the early first century church.


       Church-fellowshipping should be a lifestyle and not a place simply for social gatherings. The places we gather for worship of the Lord should not be places where spectators are entertained by pulpit comedians who use the pulpit for everything but feeding the people of God with Knowledge and Understanding. (Jeremiah 3:15).


       Before the next great Revival and Harvest to follow this Ministry will be in place to assist those who want their homes to become places of worship for family, friends, neighbors, and those from afar. The purpose of this Ministry is to establish Home Churches in the homes of the people of God that will foster a Family of God type atmosphere where everybody knows each other personally. The design is of God.


                                                                   Home Assemblies

       The Church pattern/design consist in number from 7 to 12 persons united in oneness meeting informally in individual homes functioning as "Home Assemblies." Home Assemblies can range from 7-12 persons.


                                                                  House Assemblies


       Three "Home Assemblies" joined together having each between 7-12 persons will form a "House Assembly." House Assemblies can range from 21-36 persons from individual Home Assemblies.


                                                          Congregational Assemblies


       Three "House Assemblies" joined together function as a "Congregational Assembly." Congregational Assemblies can range from 63-108 persons.


       If at any time during the growth process God's people get lost in the crowd then the purpose is lost and the Family of God personal relationships will not be achieved. For people to worship together and remain strangers will defeat the purpose of the Home Church pattern that has become the Vision of this Ministry.


       This Vision is a work in progress. As I receive increased clarity of Vision this Ministry, Bible Knowledge Church in Christ, will continue to take form and shape that will resemble the prophesied "Last Days" Church Age. (Acts 2:17-21; Joel 2:28-32).


       This is the Vision that the Lord God has given me for Bible Knowledge Church in Christ to be in place for the Harvest of souls just before the Rapture of the Body of Christ from this planet.


       Bible Knowledge Church in Christ was founded and Chartered on August 4, 2007. My commission to feed people with Knowledge and Understanding preceded the formation of this Ministry which was November 15, 2000. The call upon my life has been according to (Jeremiah 3:15) and the function preceded the title. The "commission" to feed God's people was November 15, 2000.

       As it has been all of my life what ever God has called me to do the function has always preceded the title. May I find strength and courage to do what is untraditional and contrary to the main stream, which has been more of a social gathering in a building than a Family of God gathering for worship where everybody knows each other. All honor to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Who is Christ. Let there be Peace!



                                                                  Minister George Condry, Pastor

                                                                               (Jeremiah 3:15)


                                               This Ministry is Non-Denominational/Independent 



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