Welcome to Bible Knowledge Church in Christ 


       Bible Knowledge Bible study is a comprehensive study of Doctrines in the Bible and Theological studies. Bible Knowledge Church in Christ is dedicated to the Eternal and Everlasting God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Jesus Who is Christ. I am nothing more or less than an empty vessel that has been filled with the Holy Spirit of God. This work I do is one way for me, because I have accepted God's free gift of salvation, to show my gratitude to Jesus Christ. I have made the decision to allow God to use me as He sees fit, that I may do my Father's will. The aim and goal of Bible Knowledge Bible study is to conduct an accurate and thorough study of the topics being presented by using God's Holy Word. Scriptures will be presented to support, confirm, and substantiate any statement or claim made. Therefore it will be vital that you use the Bible in order that you may be able to understand the study being conducted. At times other accurate, reliable, and creditable sources will be used to support, confirm, and substantiate any claim or statement, in conjunction with the use of the Bible. It will be very important to use your Bible that God may be able to bring you to the divine wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the topic being covered. 

       I will not allow religious denomination to distort or taint this work! Therefore this work is suitable for any one of any denomination. This work is classified as Non-Denominational. Since I find that religion, as opposed to spirituality, is an obstacle to true unadulterated worship of a God who claims no particular favor to any denomination. I will not allow this work and my worship of God to be hindered or distorted by religious denomination.

       All Scripture language must be taken literally, unless there exists some good reason for regarding it as figurative. All that is figurative is to be interpreted by that which is literal. I will only propagate the message of truth. Not my truth! But the truth of Jesus Christ. You have my word as a loyal and trusted servant of God. 

       When studying God's Holy Word it is very important that you understand that the best interpreter of Scripture is Scripture. All Scripture is inspired by God therefore, Scripture will never contradict itself. 

       Revelation may be defined as an operation of God communicating to man truth that otherwise man could not have known. Man is not the best interpreter of Scripture! There are over 20,780 denominations and are over 256 denominations in the United States alone as evidence that man has failed at his attempt to interpret Scripture. Let Scripture interpret itself! That way you will never fall into error when following the instruction of Scripture. 

       For every Scripture that has an obscure meaning there can be found another Scripture to clarify its meaning. The search for clarity will be time consuming and hard work. But if you want to stick to the truth the finding will be a treasure indeed. I suggest that you not depend entirely on man to teach you the knowledge of God's Word. The best Teacher is the Holy Spirit. You must study the Scriptures for yourself. Man can only aid you. All men are subject to error and, most of the time with good intentions, will give you their interpretation of the Scriptures. Which many times is nothing more than their opinion. Let men help you, but let the Holy Spirit teach you. 

       Illumination is a ministry of the Holy Spirit that enables all who are in right relation with God to understand the objective written revelation. Illumination deals with man's understanding of the God-given, inspired revelation. (1 Cor. 2:14). God's Word does not need our help in interpreting Scripture. God has inspired His Word to be written in such a way that the Bible fully explains itself with the illumination from the Holy Spirit, through His personal teaching. 

       It is deception that will allow one to believe they can attempt to be "wise above that which is written in Scripture." Do not allow yourself to be deceived by satan! We do not know more about God nor the things of God than what is revealed through Scripture. There may be writings that exist that will support the Word and maybe provide some detail. But no writing can surpass the truth and wisdom contained in God's Holy Word. 

       Some will argue that times have changed and you can no longer accept the literal rendering of Scripture. My response is, God is unchangeable! You must take into account the "historical perspective" when studying any passage of Scripture. What was applicable then may not be applicable now only because of cultural changes and technological advances from the passage of time in human history.

       When Studying a passage of Scripture it is important to ask yourself five questions. Who is speaking? Why is this message being given? From Where is the message being spoken? When was, as to what is the time period, this message spoken? And most importantly, to Whom is this message specifically being directed to. I will refer to this form of investigation as the five W's. Employment of wisdom is critical! 

       When accepting the literal rendering of any Scripture passage. Please! please, please exercise wisdom. What will you gain if you cut off your hand or foot and pluck out your eye? (Matt. 18:8, 9). Wisdom will tell you that the issue is not the hand, foot, or eye. The Scripture is symbolically revealing that the sin in your life, that has become so personal and common placed, must be eliminated at all cost. The message in the Scripture passage (Matt. 18:8, 9) renders a sense of urgency that you must eliminate all, personal common place taken for granted, sin in your life at all cost to avoid spending eternity in hell. The hand, foot, and eye are symbolic of sin. Sin is the issue here not your hand, foot, or eye. 

       An obscure passage is one in which the meaning is not easily understood, do not base any doctrine on an obscure passage of Scripture. 

       The Bible contains all the truth you will ever need for any situation in your life. God has spoken to us through His Word that we might know the truth. Therefore, take the Word of God at face value, in its natural, normal sense. Look first for the clear teaching of Scripture, not some hidden meaning. Understand and recognize figures of speech and interpret them, using Scripture, accordingly. Always try to understand what the author had in mind when you are studying a portion of the Bible. It is vital to use commentaries that examine the text with integrity and give explanations and comments that are in keeping with the context. You will want to use commentaries that have been written by scholars who are known to hold to the inerrancy of the Word. As you consult these various commentaries, remember that no one person has a corner on all the truth! 

       God in His wisdom would not trust all the truth that the human race needs to be wholly spiritual, in the hands of a mortal to be delegated by one individual. Use wisdom! 

       Bible Knowledge Bible study is not created and inspired by God to cause confusion or to stir up controversy. If a particular topic has been presented, that is 100% truthful and completely factual as well as 100% accurate, with all of the necessary Scripture to support it and it is controversial to the reader or readers of the study. Then it must be understood that the study is not at fault for any controversial storm generated by the readers. When the truth has been presented and a controversial storm has developed because of that truth, it must be understood that the cause of the storm is the lack of understanding and the lack of spiritual discernment. Divine wisdom, which is a gift from God, understanding and spiritual discernment, which are also gifts from God, are needed to comprehend the truth of God's Word. 

       Spiritual discernment is the ability to perceive and contrast what is true from what is false and what is good from what is evil. 

       Bible Knowledge Ministries will not be held responsible for any controversy that arises because of the "truth." That burden is laid upon the reader. 

       The theme of this Ministry is Knowledge and Understanding of the Bible, for "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you, have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children." (Hosea 4:6). AMP

       The intended purpose of this Ministry of Bible Knowledge and Understanding is to motivate and encourage the reader to accept Jesus Christ for salvation. If you have already accepted Jesus then you should be working diligently in the vineyard, planting seeds or watering, spreading the Gospel of Christ. Every person baptized into the Body of Christ must be doing something. Don't loose your "talents." Every Christian will stand before the judgment seat of Christ to either receive reward or suffer loss.   

       Be blessed and I am praying for your spiritual growth. God Bless. Peace! 


Minister George Condry, was Ordained on the 27th of July in the year of our LORD 2004 as an independent.

October 7, 2009






  Bible Knowledge is Armor. But, only those who know how to use Bible Knowledge can put on Spiritual Armor. "Spiritual Armor" will protect you from the enemies of God only if you "apply Bible Knowledge".